Milestones of Philanthropy

Spring Summer 2024 Issue

The Give Rise campaign brought together over 15,000 donors — alumni, faculty, staff, family, friends, and community — to raise over $185 million for Susquehanna. 我们感谢所有的捐赠者,尤其感谢他们慷慨的捐赠将对我们的学生产生的积极影响. 


2012 Campaign Launch

In 2012, Susquehanna launched the silent phase of Give Rise: The Campaign to Elevate Susquehanna University. 这是大学历史上最雄心勃勃的活动,旨在筹集1.6亿美元的奖学金, capital improvements, and the endowment — it began to privately gain momentum for the next five years.

2016 Admission House

In 2016, 浩博体育app董事会为这次活动设立了第一个重要里程碑, 萨斯奎哈纳的招生之家体现了他们慈善事业的力量,推动了我们的校园前进.

John Strangfeld ’75 saw the need for a modern building and turned to fellow board member Jeff Roush ’71.

“我们想创造一些引人注目和令人印象深刻的东西,但又不想给萨斯奎哈纳带来财务压力, which has so many other priorities,” Strangfeld said. “我知道第一印象的力量,这显然是我们需要做的事情,”劳什表示赞同. Together, 他们为该计划作了带头捐献,而他们的每位保管委员会同仁随后也作了自己的捐献. 最后,整个700万美元的项目全部由董事会成员提供资金.

2019 Signe Gates ’71 and Dawn G. Mueller ’68 Women’s Leadership Fund

Then, in 2019, 一项数百万美元的筹款挑战比计划提前三年完成 Signe Gates ’71 and Dawn G. Mueller ’68 Women’s Leadership Fund.

Gates, chair of the university’s Board of Trustees, and Mueller, vice chair, 2017年发起了筹款活动,联合承诺,此后不久捐款超过300万美元.

“We were extremely delighted by the swift support this fundraising challenge received,” Gates and Mueller said. “这反映了许多人在萨斯奎哈纳学院以及其他地方看到女性在职业和个人生活中取得最终成功时所感受到的激情. 我们很高兴看到萨斯奎哈纳有前途的年轻女性从这个有影响力的项目中受益, and we look forward to seeing it for many more years to come.”

2019 Doug Arthur Stadium

第三个重要的里程碑也发生在2019年,浩博体育app收到了1000万美元的捐赠承诺,这是大学历史上最大的捐赠承诺 Lucille Arthur H’13, widow of Doug Arthur ’49 H’96. 这笔捐款用于该校NCAA球队的学生奖学金、运营费用和设施需求, and created an endowment to support the university’s athletic director position. 为了感谢这份礼物,萨斯奎哈纳将其足球场命名为道格·亚瑟体育场.

2021 Public Kickoff

Susquehanna在2021年返校团聚周末期间启动了Give Rise的公开阶段,并宣布已筹集超过1.4亿美元. At the same time, 董事会的现任和前任成员向州立大学社区发出了500万美元的匹配挑战,要求他们向萨斯奎汉纳大学捐赠. After hitting that goal, 受托人宣布,如果萨斯奎哈纳再筹集100万美元的捐赠,他们将额外捐赠100万美元. 这一挑战为浩博体育app的捐赠基金带来了总计1200万美元的积极影响.

2022 Robert I. Estill Field House

Another major milestone occurred in 2022 when Susquehanna dedicated the Robert I. 为了纪念鲍勃·斯蒂尔65年以及他对学校的慈善事业. 斯蒂尔的捐赠支持了体育设施和设备的资本改善,并建立了罗伯特一世. Estill Endowed Scholarship Fund.

“One thing that has always struck me, is the sheer amount of unwavering support that our alumni show our athletes. 校友对学生成功的投入——无论是在竞争中还是在课堂上——就像学生对自己的投入一样,” said Athletic Director Sharief Hashim

2022 $160 Million Goal Reached Ahead of Schedule

Later that year, during Homecoming–Reunion Weekend 2022, Susquehanna宣布,它已经提前一年多达到了1.6亿美元的Give Rise目标. 也是在返校团聚周末期间,学校在校园内设立了七个空间. 捐助者资助的资本改善项目为当前和未来的学生投资了300万美元.

2022 The Steven T. ’96 and Amy Meyer Trading Room

One of the dedicated spaces was The Steven T. ’96 and Amy Meyer Trading Room, 这是为了纪念迈耶夫妇对西格蒙德·韦斯商学院的慈善支持而命名的.

Along with technology upgrades and an expansion of the trading room, 迈耶夫妇捐赠了一项基金,以支持金融系的教师发展和规划. Additionally, 迈耶夫妇还支持对塞伯特霍尔的模型教室进行翻新,现在被称为戴安和艾尔迈耶教室,以纪念迈耶先生. Meyer’s parents.

“Susquehanna helped prepare me for a career that has rewarded me tenfold,” Meyer said. “我很自豪能够回馈学校,这所大学给了我很多.”

2023 Richard E. Rowe ’63 and Family Scholarship

In early 2023, Richard E. ’63 and Marjorie Rowe 通过他们对Richard E .的支持,为学生获得机会做出了里程碑式的贡献. Rowe ’63 and Family Scholarship, 这是为了感谢他在浩博体育app接受的教育,以及对他的父母和其他人为他的个人和职业成功所提供的支持的认可. 理查德和马乔里创立了这项奖学金,为经济资源有限、学业优异的一年级学生提供在萨斯奎哈纳接受教育的机会.

理查德说,当人们阅读沃利·麦克雷(Wally McRae)的《浩博体育app网站》(My Requiem)时,就能最好地理解他对慈善事业的承诺. In the poem, McRae writes, “But grant me this final wish when I say that last amen; let my mark be carried lightly in the hearts and minds of men.”

2023 Clark and Lisa Ryan ’78 Burke Hawk Hub

As the campaign neared its end in the summer of 2023, Susquehanna dedicated the Clark and Lisa Ryan ’78 Burke Hawk Hub in recognition of their significant philanthropy to many university designations, including the Department of Communications, Career Development Center, and Women’s Leadership Initiative.

浩博体育app为我实现职业抱负提供了基础,” Ryan Burke said. “我知道,我在学生时代享受的许多经历都是通过捐赠者的慷慨解囊才得以实现的, and it has been my privilege to support my alma mater.”

2023 $185.1 Million Raised

The final campaign milestone occurred during Homecoming–Reunion Weekend 2023, 当时总统乔纳森·格林宣布萨斯奎哈纳以185美元完成了Give Rise.为学生奖学金、资本项目和捐赠捐款筹集了100万美元.

“Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Susquehanna is poised to rise to a new level of leadership in higher education. Today’s students, and future generations of Susquehannans, will reap the rewards of what we are celebrating today.” — Jonathan Green 

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