
丽贝卡·里潘斯25岁 丽贝卡·里潘斯25岁For students who want to continue playing the sport they love at the collegiate level 和 have an academically challenging college experience – Division III athletics is the place to be.

“Division III athletics provides a well-rounded collegiate experience that involves a balance of rigorous academics, competitive athletics 和 the opportunity to pursue the multitude of other co-curricular 和 extra-curricular opportunities offered on campuses like Susquehanna,体育总监说。 Sharief Hashim.

Approximately 30% of Susquehanna’s student population is a member of one of SU’s 23 NCAA Division III intercollegiate sports teams. Division III offers a competitive athletics environment for student-athletes, without the obligations of an athletics scholarship. 另外, Division III playing season 和 eligibility st和ards minimize conflicts between athletics 和 academics, allowing student-athletes to focus on their academic programs 和 their achievement of a degree.

“We have a m和ate to put academics before athletics, so we do everything we can to give athletes the chance to become integral parts of their academic environment while still having the opportunity to continue their athletic careers,哈希姆说.

丽贝卡·里潘斯25岁 幼儿教育 主修,辅修 英语作为第二语言, who is also a goal-scoring forward on the River Hawks field hockey team.

“What made my decision easy to continue my athletic career at SU was the balance between academics, 浩博体育app网站和体育,里潘斯说. “I am able to compete at a high level athletically while getting a great education 和 being active on campus with jobs 和 clubs.”

Ripans is also a member of the 学生 Government Association, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the executive board of the 学生-Athlete Advisory Committee 和 is a student ambassador for 入学.

康纳·艾特肯,25岁 康纳·艾特肯,25岁Division III affords student-athletes like Ripans the opportunity to discover valuable lessons in 团队合作, 纪律, perseverance 和 leadership — lessons Ripans said she will carry with her long after she graduates from Susquehanna. “成为学生运动员 at SU has given me countless relationships 和 opportunities that will last a lifetime,里潘斯说. “It has allowed me to grow my leadership, 团队合作, 时间管理和宣传技巧, which I believe will help me be a more well-rounded individual in my future career.”

康纳·艾特肯25岁 会计 主修,辅修 金融管理. He is also a member of the River Hawks men’s lacrosse team. 他说那是 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 把他吸引到萨斯奎汉纳的原因, as well as Coach Stewart Moan who gave Aitken the opportunity to continue playing a sport he loves.

“Susquehanna’s well-established 和 high-quality academics, plus the AACSB-accredited 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院, helped make my decision a no brainer,他说. “I also knew I wanted to continue my lacrosse career in college, 和 Susquehanna 和 Coach Moan gave me that opportunity.”

像Ripans, Aitken believes the lessons he’s learning as a student-athlete will follow him long into his career.

“成为学生运动员, has challenged me to learn how to balance my academics, team activities 和 student employment,艾特肯说. “学术永远是第一位的, 和 sometimes it can be tough juggle everything, but the skills I have gained 和 will continue to gain as a collegiate student-athlete, will help me succeed in my life postgraduation.”