
没有什么可以代替从生活中学到的教训, working and engaging with cultures different from your own. Our award-winning 全球机遇(GO) program facilitates a more expansive view of the world — and the role we all play in it.

Susquehanna guarantees all students an opportunity to study 实习生ationally. 只有十分之一的美国人.S. 大学生出国留学,但所有的州立大学学生都这样做.


Through our GO program, you’ll study away from campus in a cross-cultural setting. 您的选项包括 为期一个学期的海外学习项目 或者是最小值 两周的体验 during summer or winter break to learn about a different culture.


  • 项目的选择 ——研究, 实习生, conduct research or volunteer in 70 study-abroad programs operating in 35 countries representing almost every continent. About 5% do a study away experience within the United States.
  • 可购性 -每个有需要的学生都能获得奖学金. 对于一个 做多 学期的经验, you’ll use the same package of scholarships and financial aid as when you attend classes on campus. 对于学生来说 做空 and 走你的路 programs, Susquehanna provides more than $750,000 in need-based aid annually.
  • 老师的支持 -浩博体育app教职员工领导做空体验, and will help you prepare for your 做多 or 走你的路 program.
  • 易于安排 -因为GO已经是你们四年课程的一部分了, your program and relative courses count toward your degree. 做空 and 走你的路 programs during semester breaks easily keep you on track to graduate in four years.
  • 免费护照协助 -每学期, Susquehanna helps students by bringing passport agents to campus, 帮我处理文书工作, 办理护照照片及护照费用.


Greater self-confidence and global awareness are some of the significant outcomes you will gain from education abroad, preparing you for a lifetime of personal and professional success.

You will also learn valuable things about yourself from being exposed to different cultures. 你会尝试从未吃过的食物, meet a new best friend or look at your life from a fresh perspective.


In addition to boosting your emotional intelligence, studying abroad helps jump-start your career. 出国留学的学生:


毕业后六个月内, 与其他毕业生相比, 根据IES Abroad的一项调查.


and students who study abroad are more likely to earn a postgraduate degree, 根据人口普查局的一项研究.

你将获得宝贵的工作技能,比如适应能力, 沟通, 文化培训, 外语水平, 解决问题和容忍歧义.






Spend a few weeks with a group from Susquehanna exploring and engaging with a new culture during summer or winter break. 



离开萨斯奎哈纳学习一整个学期, 也可以选择进行研究, 实习生或志愿者.



与合作学校的学生一起学习, 实习, researching or volunteering in a new culture during summer or winter break.


浩博体育app was awarded the Institute for 国际 Education’s highest award for facilitating study-abroad opportunities and increasing students’ cultural competency — important for success in our global society. Susquehanna is recognized by Open Doors as a top study-abroad program, is on Great Value Colleges’ 30 Affordable Colleges with the Best Study Abroad 项目, and is named the Best National Liberal 艺术 University for Study Abroad by Intelligent.com.

The strength of Susquehanna’s GO program has also influenced student success in pursuing and achieving prestigious Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, 使他们能够在塞浦路斯等地学习, 英格兰, 加纳, 德国, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 西班牙和韩国. 毕业后, many students have gone on to earn 实习生ational graduate degrees, 而其他人则收到了激烈的竞争 富布赖特奖 出国留学在国外学习、教学或进行研究.


Completing a Global Opportunities experience is a degree requirement unique to Susquehanna. GO项目指导萨斯奎哈纳学生, faculty and staff in cross-cultural experiences that academically engage them in learning about our diverse and interconnected world.

通过完成GO体验, you will demonstrate a complex understanding of culture that enables you to:

  • 认识并反思你自己的文化, ethnocentric assumptions and differences/similarities between cultures.
  • Recognize and articulate ways that your own identity and actions may be understood differently in various cultural settings.
  • Describe how your cross-cultural experiences help you understand issues in different cultural contexts.
  • Articulate how your own intercultural growth can enrich your personal development, 学术发展和职业准备.


In addition to what you will learn through your cross-cultural, study-away经验, GO emphasizes what you’ll gain through the required seven-week on-campus courses you take before and after you GO:

  • 为学习其他文化做准备, you will take a one-credit-hour course where you will reflect on your own culture and gain insight into your host culture.
  • 你回来后, you will take a one-credit-hour course where you will reflect on your cross-cultural experience and be able to articulate it to others, 包括未来的雇主和研究生项目.




Two 浩博体育app students were awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman 国际 Scholarship, enabling them to study in Australia and 意大利.

Layren McDannold '23 receives the Dag Hammarskjöld Award from 浩博体育app President Jonathan Green.

Alumna awarded Fulbright to earn master’s degree, study climate change in Australia


Layren McDannold ’23 has been awarded the Anne Wexler Scholarship in Public Policy from the U.S. 国务院和J. 威廉·富布赖特外国奖学金委员会. The award will allow McDannold to go to Australia to pursue her master’s degree in public policy while conducting research into climate change.


Creative writing grad headed to North Macedonia with Peace Corps


艾米丽·希茨尼准备好了将近5分,000-mile journey to North Macedonia for a two-year commitment to the Peace Corps. 而在南欧共和国, Hizny will be assigned to a primary or secondary school where she will work collaboratively with a teacher there to teach English


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