
保存日期! 浩博体育app第二届年度高中销售比赛定于 2025年3月3日.

销售比赛对所有PA高中学生开放. Susquehanna的合作 交通部西格蒙德·韦斯商学院, 该活动将为参与者提供学习销售流程的机会,并在与商业专业人士的销售电话角色扮演中展示他们的销售技巧. 学生们还将被介绍到Susquehanna的销售项目和职业销售. 更多信息即将发布.

  • Susquehanna Hosts 高中销售比赛

    “学生s who participated in our sales competition gained vital business 和 communication skills that will help them build their portfolios as they look ahead to their college careers 和 beyond,” said Michele Welliver assistant professor of communications 和 professional sales program coordinator at 浩博体育app.

    Learn More about our Inaugural competition  

  • Unlock Your Potential

    Through internships with industry leaders like Pfizer, 浩博体育app students combine marketing expertise with professional sales skills, preparing them for dynamic careers in the pharmaceutical 和 healthcare sectors.

    Learn more



无论你的工作或职业道路如何,销售技巧都是至关重要的沟通工具. 了解更多关于Susquehanna的专业销售辅修课程.


大学的事实 萨斯奎哈纳排名第一. 15 .“最专注的沟通” & 媒体研究学校”. 了解更多关于我们的节目.


我们的国际认可的商学院准备你在任何市场领先. 了解更多关于我们的节目.